Archives for Journey

Change Your Mindset to Them

If we invoke the K.I.S.S—Keep It Simple Stupid—principle, a simple mindset change at two levels—individual and organizational—can make a huge difference in our effectiveness as leaders, coaches, and educators. The first and most fundamental mindset change begins with the recognition that leading is not about you. It is about your ability to create an environment to maximize the abilities of those whom you are leading and their potential to be successful. The second level of the mindset shift focuses on the organization. At this level, the emphasis is on communication to create a common vision, which is a critical element
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My Journey – Lessons Learned

Looking back over the last 30 years, I have been on an incredible learning journey, as a leader, coach, and educator. I have done some things well, and some things that I definitely would have done differently if given the chance. For me, I have difficulty distinguishing the difference between coaching, leading, and teaching, as they all have the common theme that they are about influencing others at a variety of levels—to help a person or a group get from where they are now to someplace new. I will often use the word “leader” interchangeably for the other words. Over
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